Friday, August 20, 2010

Does the following sound good for a novel?Would you buy it?

What comes next actually happened in real life.No kidding.Here goes:My big brother's name is Todd,my best friend is Anna.Two days ago,Todd proposed to Gina in front of the whole family right after our stepdad announced he has a brain tumor.Apparently the news of Todd's engagement to Anna was more exciting than the tumor.Six months ago,Todd fell in love with Anna while they were sitting on the floor together and watching Smallville on tv while discussing gummy bears.Plus they were waiting for me to get my car ready so I could send Anna to a restaurant for a date with her dream guy.She did go for the date,after a short make out session with my brother.And she dumped the hottie for my Ben Barnes clone bro.Yeah,he does look like Ben Barnes but in a more copied way.They dated on and off,and it was kinda weird for me.Y'know,my brother with my bestie.And then...It looked like they were broken up for good until two days ago when he popped the question.He actually memorised a speech for that.He said something like:';Anna Mulroney,I know you and I have had our good times and bad times and despite you calling me a jerk the other day,I realise that it makes me love you more.And...I want to spend ALL my good and bad times with you.I'd rather you calling me a jerk or a pig or whatever and storming out on me instead of doing so to another guy because then the other guy would get to kiss you and let you cry on his shoulder,instead of me.So it's either you or the Nokia salesgirl from down the road,and I don't really fancy the Nokia salesgirl cuz she's under 20 anyway...So what I'm asking is,will you marry me?'; He said all that on one knee.No kidding.And Anna cried while I rolled my eyes at Todd's matter-of-fact tone.She said yes,as you can guess.Then mom started shouting something about having to respect stepdad's needs but everyone ignored her.We were too busy congratulating Todd and Anna.They haven't fought once until today.Their still cuddled up on the couch admiring Anna's genuine diamond ring and thinking up names for their kids even as I type this.Other than that,I found out mom is having an affair with my former uni classmate whom I like to invite home for drinks.We had an argument,mom and I,about how NOT OK it is to sleep with a guy half your age while your husband is having a brain tumor and wont live for long.Does it sound like a good story?From my point of view,of course.Although I'll change the names.Does the following sound good for a novel?Would you buy it?
This can be interesting and has a lot of potential. You should make sure first that your family and friends are okay with you writing down this part of their life, because some things like the affair are best left unmentioned unless you have permission. This seems like an interesting plot and if I saw this book, I would most likely buy it.

Good luck!

~~SKSDoes the following sound good for a novel?Would you buy it?
Novels have paragraphs. This is unreadable gibberish, I'm afraid.
When I read through it it was really confusing, but I guess it was probably because you didn't want to write loads and bore us all LOL.

But apart from that, I think it has potential, though I'm not sure your parents would be too happy about you writing their life story down... ?

It kind of reminds me of the Princess Diaries sort of thing. I think, with good writing skills it could be a really good story.

I realize that this was in a rush to write when asking if it would be good novel material, and yes it will be, only I hope you take your time with your writing and I hope that there is a twist in the end....Dad survives and the rest of the family went to ......Pot.
Everybody who was in a rush to write that, do raise up your hands, tentacles, fins,claws and paws please.


I do believe you've tripped and found something valuable lying on the ground... It WOULD be good if you wrote it properly, maybe with lots of humour and some more irony... And maybe, just maybe, if you left out the bit about your brother being a copy of that Ben Whatshisface, who I happen to not know completely, it would sound good.

Save the speech though... That's gold. If you replaced Nokia sales girl with a Cellphone sales girl, there you go VOILA, the edited version of the speech.

AND if you added something about the life of the main character it would be a nice story line, yes.

I'd have to disagree though... Whether you family and friends are kay with you writing that shouldn't really matter... After all, you're changing names, places and probably faces... I'm quite sure you're going to add something fictional too so they hardly have any say.

Though, I admit, this isn't my type of book and I highly doubt I'd stop to read it, no offence. I'm a Pratchett person, myself.

Take care, good luck.
I am sorry, but this is a confusing, poorly written lot of rubbish.

What you have described may be your experiences, but that alone does not make a story worth reading. Your synopsis is badly written, the plot is not clear and you have no respect for proper paragraphs. There is no structure or flow.

It makes no sense at all.

No reader in the world would bother with this.

In short, you need to start again. Introduce the characters and situation slowly and in more detail. Each sentence needs to flow on from the last, and the reader needs to be able understand easily what is going on.

I realise that this may be harsh. But if you want your writing to be taken seriously, then you first must be serious about writing and give your work the proper respect that it deserves.

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