Friday, August 20, 2010

What would you do if your baby was going to leave you?

Hello everyone. A quick update for those following me Emmy's oncologist gives her 2-3 months. She had her last round of chemo about a week ago so physically she is feeling a little better; no more crying and screaming. But it doesn't really matter anymore does it? Be wise she is dying. That is a mom's worst nightmare, we spend our whole lives kissing owies and watching over them like hawks; but this I can't protect her from. Whenever she falls it is my job as a mom to be there to pick her up and set her on her feet once more. But now it's like no matter how fast I run I can't seem to be there to catch her. A few months ago I had everything I ever wanted: an amaIng husband, two beautiful girls, a nice house, and the best job in the world, being able to stay at home and raise my girls. And in a split second it was all gone. Now our days are spent at the hospital; cuddling, singing you are my sunshine, and crying. I would do anything to take Emma's pain away. I'd die a thousand deaths before I had to watch her slip away from me. So why won't God let me?? The doctor says I should take her home and spend all the time I have left with her doing something we love. It makes me so mad when he says that because I am not ready to just give up. She is my baby girl!! She CANT leave me. I won't let go of her... I can't. So I guess what I am asking is what would you do?? Because I don't know...

Once again thank you. I know this is just a silly website and you guys are complete strangers but this is what gives me a small amount of comfort. Your advice and your prayers are so appreciated. My husband who is up with both the girls in the cafeteria now says thank you as well. He is such a good man; I wouldn't have the stregnth to get up if it was not for him. As for me I am at my hideout across the street. The people at starbucks have my name and coffee order memorized. It's my time to cry; to let it all go. The only downside is I have to leave Emma's side, and that kills me. She asked me yesterday if she could go play with Kate outside. The lovely nurses finally let her. It was a sight God knew I needed to see. They are my life. I love them so much.

Thank you. Please keep Emma in your prayers and hope that God hears.

God bless.

MegWhat would you do if your baby was going to leave you?
I have been thinking about you a lot here lately..I was on the verge of asking Y/A if they had seen any of your questions on here lately!!

I don't know what I would do in your situation, but as to your question...why don't you ask her what she wants to do? I'm sure being in the hospital isn't easy on any of you!! Maybe the best thing for her (and your family) would be to just go home and let her live her life to the fullest until the end. I know it's hard to accept she's dying and you can't do anything about it, but if it makes her happy to go home, then I would do it!! Let her be a child for her last few months!! Again, that's just my opinion and you should choose whatever is best for your family!

I'm so sorry for your entire family...I know if it was my daughter I would just tell the funeral people to get a casket big enough for both of us...I don't know if I could handle it!!!

Again, I'm sorry for what your family is going through!! You are in my prayers!!

Oh is your other daughter doing; I know this can't be easy for her either? And how is your pregnancy going? Also, if you need to talk...I'll listen! You can contact me from my profile!What would you do if your baby was going to leave you?
I'm not sure where to start on answering a question like this. I can't offer an opinion just, many prayers.
To be honest with you, I was always in tears reading your post, and I also didn't know what to do If I am in a situation like you. But I do believe in miracles until the last minute. I am sure a lot of people pray for your family especially for little Emma. Prayers can move mountains. Don't loose hope.

Lot of prayers from all of us.

May the grace and peace of the Lord God Our Father be with your family always.
I would spend every second of every day letting Emma have the time of her life and making wonderful memories and I would pray every night for God to miraculously heal my baby! I can only imagine the pain you are going through. I will keep your family in my prayers!
Just keep doing what you're doing. Make the most of every moment. There will be enough pain after she's gone. You don't need to add regret that you didn't make the most of the time you had with her.

I am so sorry. I can't imagine what that feels like. I think I might literally have a psychotic break if one of my children died.

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