Ok, I normally I don't ask questions, but I am so confused that my head hurts.
Here goes...
While my husband and I have an active love life, it is usually regulated to the weekends. He gets up at 4:30 am, so he usually falls asleep by 9:00. Where as I get up at 6:00 am and stay up until after the evening news. Plus we have two kids.
Anyway...Yesterday he got up for work, took a shower, let the dogs out, etc. then he crawled back into bed to make love.
Later, while having lunch with a girlfriend I yawned a couple times. Rude, I know. But, I did apologize. She asked if I was having problems sleeping. And, I said no, I had slept great, but T. had woken me up for a little morning fun.
Oh, my goodness. She starts going on and on about how rude that was and how he is disrespectful of me. Huh? I quickly told her that it isn't like that. I enjoy the physical part of our relationship just as much as he does and it's not like he does it every morning. Then she starts looking at me like I'm crazy and tells me that she would never allow that and she doesn't know anyone that would.
Really? I'm the only one that doesn't have a problem with this? I find that hard to believe. So, I'm asking...How would you feel about your husband / wife coming back to bed in the morning?Husband coming back to bed is rude?
That is so not rude. She's just jealous! You go girl, get you some!Husband coming back to bed is rude?
I'd love for my wife to come back to bed in the morning. I mean, let's look at this logically - barring extremes of sleep deprivation, sex is *always* better than sleeping! She said that because she is ignorant.
PS - You meant to say that sex is usually relegated to the weekends, not regulated.
Your friend sounds like a tight a$$, pardon the expression. Seriously, was it rude, no way. Frankly I don't mind if my man wakes me up in the middle of the night and again in the morning! She is way off base, and most likely isn't a person who enjoys the physical aspects of marriage.
Im with mostly everyone else... NOT RUDE! I totally understand the ';weekend sex life';, and I think its nice that the first thing your husband thought about when he woke up was how hot his wife is! He couldnt keep his hands off of you and when you are as busy with work and children as the two of you are... I think thats great!
Go you!!!
Your friend has jealously problem...your husband did nothing wrong...you are his wife and I'm sure you both have an understanding with regards to your sex life. Don't allow her to put any unhealthy, negative thoughts into your head...tell her nothing , be careful what you say when with her. I can bet she is a back biting gossip .
OMG that is so ridiculous sounds like she is just jealous that you have a husband tat still wants you
i love when my husband wakes me up it makes me feel wanted so dont take anything she says to the head because she obviously has no idea what shes talking about
I wonder if this woman is married (if not, well you now know why). If she IS married, well I'm thankful I'm not the poor sap tied down to some chick who is boring in bed, who thinks sex is a chore and should be planned out.
Totally not rude. It's natural and you are both lucky you want eachother so much. Keep it up and don't listen to ';girlfriends'; like that, they need to get themselves some, probably jealous of your great sex life.
Man does she have her priorities backwards.
Rude is coming back to the bedroom and ripping the covers off of you and walking out. THATS rude.
I'd be curious to know how your pal is in a relationship and if they've all failed.
Your friend probably hates sex, or is so controlling, only wants it her way and what she has deemed ';at the right time';.
No way was it disrespectful. I would LOVE IT if my fiance threw it my way in the morning! Sleep be damned!!! I'll sleep when I am dead!
Thats a no brainer. I wish it would happen, every day...haha.
If someone is complaining or upset about some unexpected nookie, then I think they have issues of their own.
Its the random and unscheduled booty that is the most fun!!
Personally I think it is rude of you to have discussed your sexual morning activity with your friend. I really doubt your yawning had anything to do with a little morning fun.
She doesn't get any, Better to have him wake you than not want it at all. Your friend is rude, you need a new friend I think. She's one strange lady.
I think that would be great if my husband would come back to bed. He gets up an hour or so before I do every morning even on weekends. But rarely does he come back to bed. Your husband seems very romantic.
Yeah, it's not rude at all, my guess is that she's jealous or naive to think no one does that... my ex-husband and I did that often.
Don't let it bother you - it's not her business. If you're good with it, who cares what she thinks?
Sometimes, I come back to bed. Mornings are the best!
i would LOVE IT! much like yourself, my sexual activity is ';relegated'; to the weekends, so any changes whatsoever would be welcome...your g/f is jealous
i've been woken up by my wife wanting some morning fun!!!
also, i love it in the shower too... ;)
your friend needs to loosen up and stop being so boring!!!
Its awsome when that happens.... and usually ends up being a pretty good day when that happens...
your friends got issues...
I would LOVE it if my husband got up, showered, let the dog out and came back for some morning lovin. I would only feel bad about one thing - and that would be my morning breath!
My husband does this all the time. Although it can be annoying when I'm really tired, it is not in any way disrespectful.
your GF is jealous at your marriage and trying to start something up.
don't get brainwashed.
She admires the hell out of you, you go girl.
if my old lady did that id be as happy as a pig in shi t no such thing as bad sex and it isnt rude either your friend is upset that her stud does service her in the morning
RUDE? Ok, your husband wants to make love with you, I think you should be happy about that. Your friend is strange.
Not rude, just the way things have to be! no body else's business, carry on %26amp; enjoy each other!
she is jealous. it is probably her fantasy to have what u have .
I must know totally opposite people than you.. I dont know anyone who would find this rude..
It has happened to me before.. and I am sure it will happen again..I think its a great way to start the day.. if I got up before him I would get back in bed.
I dont think its rude, I think it is great the he wants you that much.
Your friend sounds a little stuffy, and uptight..
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Now you see the problem of a confession to a girlfriend and telling it all to her. You let her know too much about your private life and you need an answer from this site to see if it's a problem? Grow up lady and see the problem of your nosy girlfriend who tries, if you let her, to butt into your personal business. Also to you for letting her know the details, (tsk tsk) and believing there is a problem with it. Better off going with your husband and keeping the lovemaking private and out of gf's opinion comments. Meanwhile back to where you were before she confused you.....
sweetheart?? You need to find better friends. It was none of her business to make a comment about ANYTHING private that goes on in your life!!!!!!!!! You didn't bring up the subject as a problem??? It's NONE OF HER BUSINESS how you conduct your personal life!!!!!!! I would have let her know that right up front!!!! Tell her you never asked her opinion on the matter. No it's NOT you?????? Shes just another busy body trying to interfere in someones personal life!!!!!!
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